At times we or some of the companies we work with have been asked to speak at communities, meetings, or events related to planning and preparation topics. Below are the speakers who are available to speak and any speaker fee information.

Rodney Biddle – Book Author (BiddleBooks.com, Editor of HurricaneShow.com)

BIddleBooks.com, HurricaneShow.com. Licensed Ham operator, Researcher, Hobbyist in the areas of Solar Power, Emergency Backup Power, Ham Radio. Author of over twelve books on Ham Radio and Small Power Planning
Topics: Emergency Power Planning (Generators), Emergency community radio planning.
Rodney is available to speak with groups or at events throughout most of Florida or available via Zoom or online stream events.

Lewis Hopkins, VP Sales, Sol Donum

Lewis has an extensive background in industrial design and sales. He is a contributor in design and development of specialized machinery and has worked with product manufacturers to streamline production flows and manufacturing processes. With Sol Donum he represents their line of products offering solutions for home and commercial purposes. Lewis is available via Zoom events to discuss the importance of backup power solutions and how Sol Donum’s line of products can help you create a solution for your home or business.

HurricaneShow.com is looking for additional speakers available to talk to organizations or groups during in-person events or on Zoom and YouTube organized events. Event speakers may charge a speaker fee depending upon the type or location of the event which would be coordinated directly between the event organizers and the speaker.